Wednesday, 30 December 2009



那母亲认为孩子没了严 父教导必定会放肆,所以她一直相信“藤鞭”式教育,十分严厉的管教孩子。“打是疼,骂是爱”是她的原则。哪知这孩子越教越坏。上了中学之后,跟了一般猪朋 狗友加入了黑社会,帮忙在校园里为“有难”的同学“解围”,也常常逃课。这母亲因此而慢慢改变了教育方式,不再责骂他,用爱的教育来劝解他。

儿子后来交了个女朋友。女方家长十分反对两人 的关系,霸道的儿子开口说要找人炸了他俩才甘心。母亲深知儿子有可能做出伤天害理的事,恰好当天凌晨三点,儿子的女友拨电话来(给母亲),母亲为了妙龄女 子的前途,决定告诉她儿子的前例。结果,傻乎乎的女友竟然还不知醒悟,向男朋友坦白他妈妈所说的一切。

最近,事情越闹越僵。有一天,儿子传简讯给妈妈,说:“准备RM 10000,汇入我的户口,我现在已经不是你的儿子!你再找她(女朋友),我永远都不会原谅你!”母亲看了,当场崩溃。儿子后来又来了一则短讯:“我决定离家出走了!这不是我的家!如果你不要给我那笔钱,不要紧!至少我的户口里要有RM 3000,这是我从小的红包钱!”

天下为什么会有如此不孝的儿子?不管怎样,那 诞生妈妈也挨了十几年,一个人辛辛苦苦地把孩子养大,虽然储蓄不多,她尽量带儿子去旅游,给儿子最好的,想弥补他“没爸爸”的空缺。难道这一切都是白费的 吗?也许她施于孩子的启蒙教育不正确,但她有改过啊!孩子不但没感谢妈妈伟大的母爱,还以恶劣的态度对待妈妈,到最后甚至想脱离母子关系!与其养这种孩 子,何不养只狗呢?狗见到主人还会摇尾巴呢,这孩子只会咬她一口,送给了她如次震撼的2010年跨年礼物?真是呜呼哀哉!没了父爱,应该更珍惜母爱嘛!真为那苦命的母亲觉得不值得!

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Info for IT Consumers

During the Kuching ICT Expo (PC Fair), my dad bought me an ACER laptop from Boulevard IT.
*Clarification : This shop has nothing to do with Boulevard The Shopping Mall, it's an ICT shop in Saberkas.

Searching for a suitable laptop all day long, we decided to buy Acer Aspire model 4736G.
Cost : RM2399.oo
Specifications :
- Intel Core Duo Processor
- NVIDIA GeForce
- 14.0'' HD LED LCD
- 4GB Memory
- 500 GB HDD
- built-in webcam
- genuine Windows 7 + free 1-year antivirus
- Free gifts : Mouse, mouse pad, keyboard protector, screen protector, back pack, spongy laptop case, cooler fan, laptop vacuum cleaner, headphone and the cleaning kit.

Before leaving Boulevard IT Store, we asked the promoter to check whether all the package contents were complete. I thought everything went well. But when I reached home and started to explore my new laptop, I found something missing. The most important thing -- the cable connecting the laptop to the power source!!! It was 3 hours after our purchase. Wouldn't they notice that there's extra cable in their shop???!!!

Nevermind. It was 8:00 pm and we called the store. Surprisingly, no one picks up the phone. 3 trials in a period of 20 minutes turns out nothing. So we rushed to the store. The senior asked the junior to search it somewhere in the store. And he found it under a pile of papers!!!!!! What a disorganised store.

Another thing that pissed me off was the free gift --- screen protector. Excuse me sir, I am buying a 14.0'' laptop and what did you give me? A 10.0'' screen protector?!!!! What is wrong with you?? Or you are used to that, buying a XS shirt for your XLL body?

We went back home, hoping there's nothing wrong anymore. So I tried going online with my new laptop. After around 10 minutes of surfing, my computer suddenly hanged. Mouse cursor remains static, windows task manager can't be opened...So I switch off the power source as there were no other ways. I thought it was me who was too rushed to open a few web pages at once, thus causing the computer to hang. But after a week or so, I know it wasn't my problem. I faced the same problem 9 out of 10 times when I am connected to a network.

And so, we went back to Boulevard IT store AGAIN!!!! They don't know what was the problem. One of the senior said, "Everything is fine LERRRR....nothing wrong LERRR...." and he asks his junior to convey that message to us. What is wrong with you? We were standing just 3 feet from you and you can't talk to us directly? IMPOLITE.

Then, they ask me to surf the net in front of them, and go the website that causes my laptop to hang. Well, basically, it hangs spontaneously at all websites. After 10 minutes, nothing happens and the senior smiles. Excuse me, do you think I am fooling you around and creating stories? Am I supposed to make the computer hang on the spot so that you can solve the problem? Shiiiishh..what kinda technician is that? They ask us to go back without giving any advice or suggestion.

So, friends out there, never go to Boulevard IT store in Saberkas. I recommend 3E computer store. The goods are of lower prices and the technicians were very polite and helpful.

I will never go to Boulevard IT store again. Sayonara.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

It's Over!!

Finally, after one-and-a-half-year of sufferings, headaches, endurance and examinationssssss in Form 6, STPM is over!!

So for the moment, I'll try to forget about my performance for each paper and have a peaceful and happy life before the result is released!! Oh God, please help me to achieve my goal -- 4.0 CGPA in STPM. Amen. :)

Well, after the last paper, it's like loosening up the rope tighten around our neck all this while. The members of the animal kingdom (Piggy, Cowy, Teddy, Bunny, Faithy) straight away rush into Kbox in Spring and shout our heart out. For 3 hours, we sing and fool around and finished 3 jugs of cold drinks. Can't imagine how crazy we were. RM 17 gone in just 3 hours.

Next up, we are planning to sing karaoke again in Absolute (not really sure where it is, but found it in a web). RM 10 for students and we can sing for 6 hours. Bet that we are gonna have husky voice after that singing session. Can't wait!!