I just came back from Damai Puri Resort today.
Guess what? This is my first time experiencing long-distance driving after getting my P-license beginning of this year!!! The journey was quite fun actually, with two cars escorting me, in front and behind. I am finally a Very Important Person....LOL!
After checking in, I took a short walk with my mum and her colleagues around the newly-renovated Damai Puri Resort & Spa. Pity them, after millions or money spent on the renovation, we can't really spot much differences. The most obvious renovation made is the swimming pool. They merge all the pools into one big pool besides having a small jacuzzi-like spa pool at the edge.
Returning back to my room, I dived into the bed and took a nap. Its 3:20pm when I woke up. As I was preparing to go swimming, two of my roommates ( my mum's colleague's daughters ) came back. What I saw was two black ladies, standing in front of me. Oh my gosh, one of them has turned into pieces of charcoal. Seriously. And the other one resembled a lobster that is well cooked. That terrifies me. I held back and decided to put my swimming suit back into my suitcase. We went swimming after the sun tones down a bit.
One funny incident happened after we had our dinner in the hotel room. My mum was putting out her towel at the balcony. And I followed her out and was watching the magnificient sunset. Then, I heard the sound of the balcony door being locked. I turned back and yelled at my mom. I even knocked at the glass door. She looked at me and stood still, looking shocked. After about 10 seconds, she opened the door and laughed non-stop.
I asked her,."What happened to you?"
She said,"I thought what I saw was a reflection of yours. I thought you are in the room, standing facing the glass door and trying to fool me..." Isn't she funny?
At night, two 21-year-old male teacher came to our room to play games with the two Form Three girls in my room, I am not included though. Why? Like what my friends said, I am too conservative. Actually, I'm NOT. It's just that the punishments given to losers of the game are scary.
I don't know what is the name given to that game. It has something to do with wooden blocks, being stacked up, and the players are supposed to withdraw one wooden block at a time. The one who makes it topples loses the game. It was really exciting. Me, as the audience, enjoyed the most, watching them doing all sorts of WEIRD actions. :P One of them even opened up the door and scream "I love xxx (someone who is staying in the resort too)". And believe it or not? They did that in the middle of the night. Its 1:00 a.m. !!!!!
I didn't know that TEACHERS also make so much noise when they are not supposed to...LOL...I didn't sleep until it was 3:00 a.m.. Wheww, what a night.
The next morning, I went to the Damai restaurant and have breakfast with my mum. My mum got her free voucher because it comes together with room. I was supposed to pay for RM43.00 (adult price) for the breakfast. But things happened.
I walked into the restaurant and waited at the counter to be seated. There were several teachers and their families waiting there too.
When the waiter came and asked, "How many people altogether?"
Someone answered,"13 people, 11 adults, 2 children."
The waiter then asked who was the second children mentioned. A finger pointed to me. I was speechless.
The waiter asked in which form I am in. Someone, again, answered for me,"Tingkatan 1." The waiter nodded, as a sign of believing in what that "someone" has told him. Then, we are given the permission to enjoy the breakfast without having to pay for an extra diner, ME...
Actually, I was feeling happy and sad at the same time. Feeling happy because I don't have to waste my RM43.00 for the not-so-luxurious breakfast. Feeling sad because I am being "appointed" as a Form One student.....ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Oh my God!!! Do I look like a 13-year-old little girl? For those who know me, please answer this question for me.
After the breakfast, my mum and I went to the beach and take a few magnificent pictures of the scenery. We headed back to Kuching at about 12:00 noon.
Below are some pictures taken during the trip :

lol, ur blog, at last im here~ kekeke